
We would like to inform you about the types of cookies used on our website, the purposes of using cookies and the settings, management and deletion of these cookies. You can visit our website without giving any personal information, you can meet your needs by getting information about our products and services. When you visit our website, some cookies are used to collect information about site usage. Our purpose here is; visitors to our website to provide convenience to the user and to improve the operation.

About cookies

A cookie is a small text file that is saved on your computer or mobile device through your browser when you visit our website. Cookies allow our website to work more efficiently, as well as to provide personalised pages to provide a more suitable and faster visit experience for your personal needs. Cookies only contain information about your visit history on the internet and do not allow access to files stored on your computer or mobile device. does not collect any other information.

Types of Cookies and Purposes of Use

Cookies are categorised into two groups as permanent cookies and temporary cookies according to their validity period. Temporary cookies are created when you visit our website and are only valid until you close your browser. Persistent cookies are created when you visit our website and remain until you delete them or they expire. Persistent cookies are used for processes such as providing a personalised experience that is compatible with your settings. Types of cookies and their intended use are described below.

Managing cookies

By enabling cookies the User will receive the optimal experience from the DNS Website. Nevertheless, it shall be the User's sole choice to accept their use. The User is duly informed that by blocking all cookies they won't be able to purchase any service from DNS and some part of the Website may become inaccessible.

Cookies and browser settings

The Help feature on most browsers details the procedure to prevent the use and acceptation of cookies. More information about the management of cookies can also be found on the applicable browser manufacturer website. Additionally, the User may also opt-out of retargeting cookies used by EuroDNS by installing the tool available at this address: